Friday, February 5, 2010

The Ghosts of Barcelona

A big fan of all things supernatural, I've always been a bit surprised at the lack of ghostly legends in Barcelona whenever I ask someone about them given its long and at times violent history. Well, I'm happy to say, there's a new book out that details the various ghouls and specters which have haunted the city.

It's in Catalan and I've got a million things on my plate, so posting about them will be slow going. Still, I just wanted to share the first spooky sighting near the famous fountain on the upper part of Las Ramblas or Font de Canaletes (near the Burger King) where legend has it if you drink from the fountain you are destined to return to the city.

Apparently in the latter half of the nineteen century when the old city wall remained and there was no running water, people reported seeing a specter in a long black cape slowly patrolling the area when the sun went down. One day it spoke to a group of girls who were filling their water jugs, causing them to flee. Tired of this ghostly apparition, the neighbors gathered to confront it, yet it never returned...

If you're interested in purchasing the book, it's available at ETC LLibres in Poblenou.

1 comment:

  1. Given Barcelonas culture and heritage I am suprised that there is not a wealth of ghouls and ghosts. Most old cities, especailly European cities, are full of stories of spectres.

    If you do find some ghostly friends, drop by The Expat Directory forums and let us know. The portuguese expats are ruling the forums at the moment and very insistant that Portugal is better than Spain, maybe your ghostly tails will shake them up a bit ;)
